there are a few gameplay channels that I watch regularly but because of Xmas etc I haven’t been able to watch anything. There’s so many new simulation games out at the moment.

Last day of festive break before heading back to work.

I don’t plan to do much today, other than catch up on some YouTube and playing some simulator games.

Part of me is thinking I should log in to the work server so tomorrow won’t be such a nightmare but we’ll see.

I must remember to look at the Steam sale before it ends in a few days too.

Happy New Year 🥳

So with almost 5 minutes to go, I want to wish everyone here a very happy and prosperous 2024.

I’m sure welcomebot will take great delight in sharing how long I’ve been absent for but my aim for 2024 is to be more social here.

While 2023 started off pretty badly, it’s ending with me in a happy place.

Cheers and see you all in 2024. 🎊🎉🥳🍸

indeed. Our federal budget got handed down today too. Seems we’re in the black for the first time in 15 years … meanwhile we’re negotiating a new EBA at the day job which is proving to be quite difficult - new pay rates were announced last Friday and no one is happy about it.

See, like I said - nowhere near the scale of what you went through. But you came through the other side and I know in time I will too.

That being said, some days are better than others. Do I miss him? Yeah I do, but I can’t spend my time worrying about whether he misses me and whether he’s made the right decision. I know it was only 8 months but still … you don’t just go from talking to someone you consider special day in day out to barely anything at all and not feel something … right?

There were bits of small talk in the days after it all happened. But it’s been almost a week and no contact. I have to keep my resolve and be strong.

it does! I was saying to a work colleague today - “how is it we’re in May … already?” Pretty soon it’ll be tax time and the rest of the year will fly by.


year before last. That would’ve been Skyward Sword.


Ain’t that the truth. Just taking some time out for myself right now and leaving him to do the same. My only hope is he works out whatever stuff he’s going through.

In other news though, new Zelda game comes out next Friday. So apart from Mothers Day stuff I’ll be playing that for a lot of next weekend.


I appreciate your advice. I know you’ve been through some messy stuff yourself and what I’m going through is nowhere close to the same scale. It still hurts though, and I think it will for a while.