@kdfrawg yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. I have a small nest egg behind me so if I have to take a month or so off to find something new then that's what I have to do. It has helped my self doubt/self esteem to know my mum will be pissed off with them and not me if I don't get this.


@kdfrawg I know right! The HR lady did say at the end of the interview it would take 2 weeks to get an outcome. I can understand that from their perspective there's a lot of paperwork/formalities involved. Plus the referee checks/CHC's. I've passed the first week unscathed, I can't imagine what next week will bring.

The day I can get my wii u or switch and breath of the wild will be a happy day. I'm hoping that day will come sooner rather than later.

haha thanks mate. I got through this week unscathed so I'm hoping next week will bring some good news. A good friend said to me the other day to expect the process to take longer and I'm like 'Nooooo! Don't tell me that!!!' It's clear I've been patient for too long.

oh god I hope so :)

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Thanks Michael :) I've gone through this week without hearing any news. We'll see what next week brings.

@kdfrawg that's the plan my friend :) To be loyal to that place for that long for them to not do the right thing would be devastating. My mum and I are talking about this exact thing right now … I've always maintained that I won't be staying if it doesn't go my way.


reply back!

and no Zelda in sight … hehe

My mindset of treating these two weeks as my last was working at the start of the week but these last two days have been a little topsy-turvy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.