@matigo I’ve thought about all sorts of things, like meditation, journaling, reading etc - I’ve been getting back into my diamond paintings at night before I go to bed too which has kinda been helping a bit. Also found out my team leader isn’t there tomorrow or Monday. A great end to this week as well as starting fresh next week.
Ok guys, time for a chocolate poll. I’m going to Woolies tomorrow morning on the way to work so I can pick one of these up while I’m at it. Which one should I get?
Hey all, I’ve been a bit missing in action this week. Been dealing with a bit of stuff, both at the day job and at home.
I had my coaching session with my team leader this week and it didn’t go at all well, in fact everything that I’d been stressing about came to a head and I crumbled, badly.
On top of that, it would’ve been one of my best mate’s birthday this week. She would’ve been 40. It just sucks that she’s no longer here to enjoy life with her little boy (he also turned 1 a few weeks ago).
All this stress has taught me that mental health is actually a real thing and not just a phase. And more importantly I need to pay more attention to it and not just write it off. I’ve been trying to practice mindfulness and getting back into painting at night again. I had so much fun last night, I even stayed up later than normal and it was fun. I need to do that more often.
@variablepulserate haha, I almost misread it too! Must do a chocolate poll to see which one I should grab next.
// @matigo
@matigo Oh it is. Probably wouldn’t eat the whole block in one go but definitely a must buy.
@hazardwarning Thanks! I’ll take a look over the weekend.
// @matigo @sumudu @streakmachine
@hazardwarning do you mind if I take a look at these too Vanessa? I have my own struggles with anxiety and deep dark depressive episodes.
// @matigo @sumudu @streakmachine
@streakmachine Yep, massive fan. Fond memories of the early 90’s right there. I was 10 when these episodes were airing here. Can’t believe there were only 40 episodes though.
Almost tempted to crack this open to have with my cup of tea. Emotional eating at its best.
After a fair bit of reflection, I’ve decided to start painting at night again before I go to bed. I’m hoping this will help with winding down and getting some quality sleep. The stress of the day job has really got to me in the last month or so. After me and my friend had a bit of a laugh on the train home today, I’m also binge watching The Trap Door on YouTube. I wonder how many of you remember this cartoon. It was a childhood favourite.