I do like the look of them. The fact that they're waterproof is a bonus, in case certain accidents happen again1 :)

  1. I have learned my lesson though

OK guys … what are your thoughts on these?


I'm tempted to go into JB Hifi tomorrow just to test them out, who knows I may end up getting them regardless of the result with the other ones.

knowing me, that would be an accurate sequence of events1 :P

  1. I remember writing the post but couldn't remember hitting send

I think before I go ahead and get new wireless bluetooth earbuds I'd better see what I can do about getting the other ones either replaced or refunded. I'll know the state of play after that but it still doesn't hurt to try and get better ones.

at least you don't have to dismantle the whole thing - that's a plus.


haha, yeah. It looks pretty but practicality may become an issue.


sorry I missed this! I love The Wirecutter for this reason. Might be worth a shot!

there would be, I was just disappointed cause those looked so good! Ah well, back to the drawing board.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Awww, thanks Michael ?


@kdfrawg noooooooo!
