@kdfrawg Definitely! Seems the seasons are a month out of sync ?

that looks awesome ?

Planning on spending the rest of the night either catching up on my fave let's play channel on YouTube - they're back playing Breath of the Wild at the moment. Or I could play a bit more of Ocarina of Time. Or I could do both…

A Day on the Green tickets have officially been sold.

So I think before I go ahead and buy another wireless bluetooth headset I should probably go back to where I bought them to see if I can get a replacement, given they're only 6 months old. I'll have to sort that out on Monday.



Absolutely! I had read that cinnamon has some good health qualities too.


Pooooooooo!!! They don't ship here!! They look so awesome too!!

// @kdfrawg

It's freaking awesome! I've completed the edge pieces already as well as a few other bits. Will be doing more over the weekend, when I'm not playing Zelda games lol.

// @kdfrawg

Thanks Sumudu!! :)

// @kdfrawg