Hey all, welcome to the weekend. Well the target has moved once more but I'm beyond caring now. I'm standing by my decision to leave if the overall result doesn't go my way. I also went through with buying my Switch before I went home today so I can enjoy my weekend playing Zelda instead of being a miserable mess. Early to mid week they say … let's see if they stick to it this time.

Oh and , Breath of the Wild is a beautiful game. I've only played a small part of it but OMG. It's going to be worth many hours of gameplay.

I have been this week but there doesn't seem to be much out there yet. It should ramp up soon, with most agencies looking for people in the lead up to end of financial year.

@kdfrawg I'm trying not to, the last couple of days have been semi productive and I'm hoping for a cruisy day tomorrow.

@kdfrawg Well tomorrow's the day my friend. We'll see if some good news comes out of all this.

that's a fair call. I've been leaving early the last couple of days too. It's fair to say I haven't put my whole self into work lately. I'm questioning what I'm doing all the time and I hate that feeling. I had a meltdown yesterday cause everything is getting to me.

it depends. when you get to that point where you can't sit for too long cause you're bouncing off the walls, that's too much.

@kdfrawg <hugs back> it really does. I'm at that point now where I'm treading water with some things but not with others. I can only take things one step at a time.

@kdfrawg yeah, I know. I hate the fact you're treated as a number and not as a person. I'm beginning to think my loyalty to BCC has run its course.

This is the first day that I'm truly not feeling OK about everything. So many emotions are hitting me all at once. I've not felt this unhappy for a long time.

that's a fair call :) It seems I've become a jack of all knowledge at the day job, normally the questions are directed in my general direction.