Good to hear from you too my friend. How’s everything with you?

yeah I hope so too - being out and about today will hopefully help to shake it off.

This interview I went for today is mostly in the office in the first stages and WFH one day a week after that.

Howdy all, how is everyone?

Latest update from me is cabin fever is setting in big time. Not being able to spend time with mates (vaccinated or not) is becoming quite the challenge. Our goalpost of things changing after 90% double vaxxed has moved - what more can you expect from a shitty government.

I’m still working from home full time but had to go into the office today for two reasons. 1. I had a job interview and 2. There were cheques needing to be banked (that weren’t banked cause the express cheque deposit machine was out of order).

So that leads me into the fact I’m on the job market again. I’ve had 2 interviews so far. The aforementioned one that happened today and the one from yesterday, which is for the job I’m sitting in currently.

It’s interesting to be getting phone calls from random recruiters though. I’d made a point of starting to look more closely from the start of this month given I only have two months left where I am now. I’ve always been the hunter rather than the hunted. It’s a very different feeling.

Enough ranting from me, hope you’re all doing ok.

good to hear from you too Pete! I’ve now had my booster (probably close to two weeks ago now) and was pretty much out of action for a day before I started to feel normal again. Still very wary of what is happening out there though. Palachook is up to her old tricks again as usual.

yes, thank you for that. I knew it'd been a while but not that long … yuck!

You guys! I'm back! I feel like every time I say I'll be back regularly it rarely ever happens because life gets in the way.

So, despite the spike in COVID cases right now (we have over 86k active cases in the state now) I'm feeling fairly upbeat. I celebrated 1 year at the day job this week, I'm working from home full time at the moment (no stinky trains - woo!). Social interactions have diminished a bit, which I do miss but once this peak is over in the next couple weeks it hopefully get back to normal. I've got my booster shot coming up in a couple of weeks too.

How is everyone here?

every press conference I listen to talks about vaccination rates and “now’s the time to get vaccinated”. But you’re right, there are the long term effects to think about and I think that’s where my friend is coming from with his talking me out of it.

this is the exact reason why I booked mine for Friday lunch time. That way if I start to feel the effects I have the weekend to recover.


I’m glad I stood my ground and am on the road to being fully vaccinated.

That statement comes as I have a friend (who is becoming a very close friend) who has been trying to talk me out of getting vaccinated since I registered my interest with Queensland Health all those weeks ago. He has his reasons for not getting vaccinated, which I believe are part of his religious beliefs. I’m not one to question other people’s beliefs, as long as they are respectful to me, that’s all that matters.

It’s pretty much like this - I’m getting vaccinated to protect myself and the important people around me, in particular my mum and my nan. While I’m currently under a directive to work from home full time right now, there will be a time where I do have to go back to the office and I’m pretty much the only one in my house that has to be out and about. I don’t want to be that person that gets COVID, brings it home and potentially kills my loved ones. I’d rather not live with that guilt.

Today is the first day that my arm has felt normal. I’m expecting a lot worse with the second shot based on how others have felt. I realise everyone is different but it doesn’t hurt to know what could happen. Congrats on being fully vaxxed!