I’m not sure yet. The stand is adjustable but from the images it doesn’t look ridiculously high. I do have a Bluetooth keyboard I can use if it becomes an issue though.

Well, that’s two assessments for my course units complete so far. Now back to figuring out where I’m up to in both units. That’ll be my day tomorrow I think.

On the up side I’ve just bought a stand for my MacBook and my iPad in an attempt to make my study area just that little bit better. Since I don’t have a dedicated desk space of my own, I’m using the nook between the lounge area and kitchen. With the stands it’ll make it so I can use my iPad as a 2nd screen and so both screens will be at eye level.

I had an interesting thought today. As soon as I started to study again the job offers would start to come thick as fast. Well, two interviews this week and waiting on another job that wants someone to start this week with no face to face interview. This could get interesting.

Good luck! :)

Yeah, I am. I'm improving my skills as well as keeping all the negative thoughts at bay. I figure it's a win-win. How have you been lately?

Doing my Accounting Diploma again. Well I call it again but when you never got the piece of paper the first time it doesn't really classify as again … or does it?

I'm doing my Accounting Diploma again. It's been 15 years1 since I last studied it and a lot has changed since then. I can get credit transfer on one of the units but the rest I'll have to do again cause they're from superseded training packages2.

  1. Yikes!

  2. Which I expected anyway

Hey all, been a bit preoccupied this week. Anxiety and thoughts of self-doubt have been at an all time high. I have finally taken the plunge and decided to go back to study again in the hopes it will be a confidence booster for me.

it was a good concert too!

Current status:
