Why is it that when everything starts to go smoothly something has to come along and mess it all up?
Living in a multi-generational house is not all it's cracked up to be (I feel like I should write a blog on it) but for now I'll stick to the short version. Long story short, I can't wait until the new house build starts (if it even goes ahead - I won't know that for another few weeks yet).
This whole us against them is doing my head in. You've got the three of us (me, my mum and my nan) and the two of them (my uncle and my cousin). We (us) try our best to keep the household running and they (them) do everything to mess it all up, by keeping their head in the sand (my uncle) and be completely oblivious to everything around them (my cousin).
The anxiety I feel while I'm in this house is at an all time high. All the time. I seem to do very well to mask it though, which probably isn't at all good for me. The only way I can deal with this is being in my happy place, in my bedroom with YouTube and video games.
I'm sorry for the rant but I just needed to get it out before the weekend otherwise it's going to do my head in. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play Horizon Zero Dawn for a while.