@kdfrawg thanks guys! looks like I'll be investing in an Apple TV soon.


Oh hey, long time no see!

ain't that the truth! I don't mind the questions that come out of left field, it's the basic stuff that is clearly listed I have issues with.

This is the one frustration I hate about eBay - you put as much information as possible in your listing to avoid the stupid questions and you still get stupid questions.

Pro tip: Read the listing in full before asking questions people, seriously.

I wonder if I could get my Mac to talk to my Smart TV via Bluetooth whether I can use it as a massive screen and then have a wireless keyboard & trackpad setup so that I can just sit comfortably and work. Hmmm…

#sillybedtimethoughts #moreresearchrequired #gotosleepshell

@kdfrawg Absolutely! Especially when you end up with nasty migraine like headaches that stop you dead in your tracks. Not good when you have to be on the ball all the time.

@kdfrawg it is a good thing. I've also been able to figure out which coffee gives me a headache or not so that helps too. That reminds me, I need to get more coffee pods tomorrow too.

Interesting how times change :)

@kdfrawg It really does … we were meant to have a meeting today to figure out which desks we'll be moving too. Thing is we can't move until everyone involved knows about it. If the team organising it all decides last thing Friday that we have to move before next week, they will get a massive middle finger from me.

@kdfrawg It depends what time I drink, if it's during the day it doesn't bother me but if it were after dinner, that when it'll make me have trouble sleeping.