@kdfrawg hahahahaha :) well I have a little bit of peace for the rest of the week. My boss works from home today, we have a public holiday tomorrow and he doesn't work at all on Friday.

No surprises last night so yay for that but I still didn't sleep very well. More coffee to get me through today I think.

@kdfrawg oh it did! It's a wonder I was still functioning when I got home from work yesterday. I'd had at least 3 coffees to get me through the day.

Thanks Joanna. The new structure is meant to start next Monday so I'll make sure I give an update.

@kdfrawg true. I may have inadvertently started a fight between my new team leader and my boss though. I'm sure they'll sort it out among themselves but I hate being in the crossfire.

So I think I've made provisions so that the visitor* I had banging at my window at 4am this morning doesn't visit again. Hopefully it will realise it cannot get through there and scare the absolute crap out of me.

*Said visitor looked like a possum.

And with that, I'm off to bed. Night all :)

Thanks Jason. I think with the stuff he's handing over I'm anticipating it won't be a major disruption to the normal day job stuff I do. In fact I'm quite liking the idea of doing something different, even if it is on interim terms. Ultimately it'll depend on whether my "new" team leader will allow me to do that stuff in the first place.

Feeling a lot better than the other day, although with my boss' imminent departure there are some admin tasks being passed over to me. It'll be quite a challenge since this is stuff I've never done before, but it seems my new team leader isn't keen on me doing it. Honestly if there's going to be a fight about it I'd rather just keep out of it.

If I could start my Sunday all over again that would be an awesome start to the day.


@kdfrawg true! I had planned to get a lot more done today but a shitstorm of all proportions happened and ruined the grand plan.