@kdfrawg I wish I had've sneaked a pic. It was the cutest thing I've seen in a while.
@matigo ok that counts ? I deliberately left work early today to escape the oodles of people getting on the train as a result of the afternoon peak bus strike. Doesn't affect me directly but I'm allergic to oodles of people on a train1.
Sarcasm intended
A blind man and his guide dog boarded my train home. The dog instantly jumps on the seat wth the man sitting next to him. Dog has his head on the man's lap, slowly falling asleep. Very cute.
@kdfrawg it is indeed! 2 weeks tomorrow in fact. It's gone super quick! And last week I even got head hunted by another recruiter, so that's a bonus too.
@kdfrawg All good! I now have enough work to last me for most of the day tomorrow. I'm hoping things ramp up soon so I can develop a steady routine.
@matigo I wish. I got some work soon after I did that post. Having access to a computer would be nice too but that's not happening until at least the end of the week. It's been 2 weeks already!
That moment where you've come back from lunch thinking you might actually have something to do but nope.