I found out today I'm starting my new job on Thursday. My initial reaction was 'about bloody time' closely followed by 'yay!'.

It'll be nice to get back into a regular routine. The only downside is no more late night Zelda sessions. Ah well, I guess I'll have to have an all day Zelda session tomorrow to celebrate my last day at home.

Another week goes by and I haven't started work yet. The police check is taking longer than even I expected it to. But the fact is I'll be working in Police HQ, the check will be far more in depth and end of financial year is posing its own delays.

Hopefully I'll find out this week but in the meantime, I'll just be madly obsessed with Zelda. I'm probably close to halfway through the main quests but there's a lot more to do.

@kdfrawg yummmmmm!

@kdfrawg It's definitely becoming more popular now that E3 is over and Nintendo are releasing some really good games not only for 2017 but into 2018 as well. The one big thing I'm waiting for is a Virtual Console so we can play past console games1. Right at this moment I'm happy with what I've got. I have a massive feeling Zelda is going to take a lot of hours to finish to 100%2.


  1. That was how I could play Ocarina of Time on the Wii

  2. I'm a bit of a completionist, in case you can't half tell

I'm liking it a lot. The main thing for me was the portability factor. Yes, it's a home console that you can play on the big screen but to take it and play it on the train to and from work without interruption is amazing. I only have Zelda and MarioKart at the moment but there are a few games in the eShop that are on my watch list and I can't wait for Mario Odyssey to come out in October.

I also have a Wii and a PS3 - I think the next major console upgrade will be getting the PS4. It's possible I may sell my PS3 to my dad and if my brother in law gets the new Xbox in November I may buy his PS4 off him - we'll see.


@kdfrawg I feel like a different me. All the positive vibes are coming back, I'm looking more healthy, my hair is growing (I lose my hair when I'm stressed), I've got more energy back instead of constantly sleeping at every opportunity. Things are looking up.


that's the one coming out on 3DS, isn't it? Saw some E3 highlights of that, looks good.

Yep. After the massive Switch vs. Wii U debate I had, I decided to go for the Switch. Definitely a good choice.


Hehe. I didn't see when it was going to be released though. Looks like sometime in 2017.

Zelda is so much fun, the best part is I'm nowhere near done yet. I've only freed one of the four divine beasts and there's so much more to do.
