
haha, yeah exactly! It'll go back to strictly on the train home and weekends! Right now though, I'm liking being a night owl again.

Thanks Jason. I definitely didn't think it would all happen so quickly that's for sure. Should find out a start date this week.

I've actually never played any of the Metroid games but it certainly sounds like you're as much a fan of Metroid as I am of Zelda.

// @kdfrawg

Hey all, I'm back after taking a little time to take a step back and chill.

So last Friday1 I found out I was successful in the role2 I interviewed for. Still waiting on a start date as police checks could take as long as 3 weeks to process but enjoying the time off immensely. The triggers for my stress & anxiety have decreased and I'm taking advantage of as much gaming time as I can.

It's good to be back.

  1. Not the one just gone but the one before

  2. The State Govt one

I must say the Switch's lineup of games from E3 is pretty good. Skyrim, Super Mario Odyssey, Kirby, Yoshi - yes please!

// @kdfrawg

Awww! Thanks Joe ?

aww yeah! She does play Super Mario Run on my iPad a fair bit too. Can't wait for Super Mario Odyssey to come out for the Switch in October.

// @kdfrawg

It really does! Master B is 2 months old on Sunday and that's gone super quick too!

@kdfrawg haha, yeah she acts like it sometimes too.