@kdfrawg Too funny!! There are many other funny stories to share but I'm too tired to think of any right now lol. I'll have to share a photo when I get a chance too.
// @indigo @literary
@kdfrawg Too funny!! There are many other funny stories to share but I'm too tired to think of any right now lol. I'll have to share a photo when I get a chance too.
// @indigo @literary
@kdfrawg we were having this exact discussion today talking about my dog Lily. She's 19 but still very spritely (if that's even a word) even though she can't hear you. But every afternoon, she will go into my nan's room and bark at her to wake her up from her nap. It's interesting how cats and dogs can understand routine and how certain things happen at certain times.
// @indigo @literary
@matigo how do you mean, with the earlier Zelda games? I'm not sure only cause I started with Ocarina, where there is very little side scrolling unless you're defeating an enemy using Z-Targeting (which is finicky at best I might add).
// @streakmachine
@kdfrawg Exactly right! It's like any other vicious cycle. You start to not include them in anything for a while, then you start to include them in little things and it starts to go ok and you think everything's normal and then boom!! One little thing aggravates everyone and we're back to square one. He's done his dash with me this time I'm afraid.
@kdfrawg I thought I'd wake up this morning feeling slightly different after yesterday's events. But no, I feel the same but with less upset and anger. The next time I speak to him will probably see different results but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. No matter how many times we tell him his behaviour is unacceptable, he still continues to do it. It affects me quite badly (even though it shouldn't) but I can't help that. It'll be interesting if he tries to call me at work tomorrow.
@streakmachine I wouldn't necessarily say "too different from the old stuff" though. For gamers that follow certain series, like Zelda or Mario or GTA even, the mentality is more "too different from what we're used to".
// @matigo
@streakmachine It's definitely better to form your own opinion on a game rather than solely base your thoughts on reviews you've seen or heard. I think the one thing that has put me off starting Zelda from the beginning is the whole depth perception thing. Playing a game from a bird's eye view slightly freaks me out. I felt the same way playing the early GTA games too.
// @matigo
@streakmachine Definitely!! That being said I have not played any Zelda today but rather watched it being played, which is just as nice in my opinion. It's making me want Breath of the Wild more and more though. I'm tempted to play a little now before I hit the bed but knowing how addictive it is, I'm likely to stay awake for longer than I need to. It's the end of Easter weekend and I'm back at work tomorrow … sigh!
@kdfrawg It's ok, it was more about venting frustration than anything else. He is more focused on being in his own little bubble and doesn't much care for what's happening around him. He makes an idiot of himself at every family gathering and I don't know what else I can do to make him see that. My mum actually said something to me today that I'm strongly thinking about too. I think I'll let all the emotion of the day die down first before I make any important decisions.