So this is a public service announcement/rant so bear with me here.

I’ll start with the PSA first: this is a warning to everyone not to buy rugs from Kmart. I had a rug next to my bed to stop the carpet from getting stains from tea spills. It did the exact opposite - argh! It looks like the adhesive didn’t stick to the bottom of the rug properly and it stained the carpet, quite badly.

Over the last three weeks, this stain has been worked on with several different solutions (WD40, vinegar & bicarb, ammonia, urine remover, other carpet cleaners). Believe it or not the urine remover has worked the best, don’t ask me why. This stain has defeated us to the point where we had a “professional” carpet cleaner see what he could do about it.

So now onto the rant. It is now over 7.5 hours after he left here and the carpet in my bedroom still smells like a wet dog. I don’t know if he used anything to dry the carpet after he was done but my good holy god. Are you kidding me right now? I still can’t move any of my furniture back (not that I would now considering how late it is and I have no suitable lighting anyway). Just grrrr!