For the first time this week I'm actually feeling ok. I've had this gurgly feeling in my belly all week so have had to play it safe food-wise.
I need to get back into playing Zelda, I feel like it's the only other thing (apart from being sociable here) keeping me sane.
Work is ok although all I feel like I'm doing is finding solutions to issues that aren't necessarily mine to deal with. My job hasn't started shortlisting yet although I did see a meeting with HR this Friday to determine interviews. This waiting game is killing me.
We are still on baby watch. I was tipping an Easter baby but now that's come and gone. My niece's birthday is this Monday - wouldn't it be funny if Max1 had the same birthday as my niece? Just an interesting thought that crossed my mind.
I spoke to my father last night for the first time since Easter Sunday. He said he'd sorted things with my sister but it still leaves me questioning how "sorted" things are. There is no denying he will continue to behave the same as he always has.
that's his nickname at this stage